Saturday, July 13, 2013

Regeneration ~ Shedding That Which No Longer Serves You

In this time of prophesized transition, it is inevitable that we are going to experience a lot of emotional ups and downs. These experiences are preparing us for what lies ahead, as well as providing the opportunity to release that which no longer serves us and holds us back from moving forward. Today is July 13, 2013, in the Aztec Wisdom teachings, it is the day of KUETZPALLI, the lizard, which means the mission of the day is of Nurturing and Regeneration. Opportunities to exemplify the mission of the day will inevitably surface, and it is up to you to accept the responsibility for their fulfillment. I’ve been given these same opportunities, and I find it particularly challenging today, as being nurturing to the self is often difficult. Yet it is the self that needs to be nurtured before the self can nurture others, and in these beautiful times which are leading to our ultimate ascension, we must be one with the vibrations of love, light, peace, and responsibility in order to move forward into the places we want to be. Thus I’ve been inspired to write from the heart to nurture first the self and then others, and thus to help us all to regenerate into a higher vibration. The mission of Regeneration can be achieved by letting go of that which no longer serves you. Look to the teachings of Lizard, who sheds it tail without haste in order to preserve its life from becoming prey to the hunter. We must be willing to also let go of that which we can and must in order to preserve the rest of life. This can be difficult and painful, but is vitally necessary.
So how do we be nurturing to the self, in able to accomplish regeneration? Spending time in places of serenity, both physically and spiritually are designed to renew us. Nurture yourself by creating the time and space to be close to UNCI MAKA, Grandmother Earth. She is power itself, and when you realign yourself with her energy, you will share in her energy and power, and will be given more strength to see with clarity that which no longer serves you. To quiet the mind, and to visit the place of quiet and serenity within provide the space with which to consciously release that which is holding you back. Meditation is the ideal state of mind in which to utilize affirmations designed to clear and cleanse the mind and spirit of karma, negative energy, blocks and stagnations. Take whatever situation that is presented to you which makes you feel discomfort, sadness, anger, resentment, and similar feelings, and visualize them being surrounded with white light. BREATHE!! Forgive these situations, which are a mirror of programming that exists within you, and feed them the energy of FORGIVENESS and LOVE. I love the Ho’oponopono Meditation technique, which says these 4 phrases over and over: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you!” When I started to use this technique to clear my subconscious CONSCIOUSLY of negative programming, I immediately noticed a huge surge of internal peace, happiness, and serenity that could not be touched by any negative external factor unless I FORGOT, and allowed that energy to permeate my being. I have to remind myself to be humble constantly, in order to shed that which no longer serves. There is no more humble way to BE, than by saying, thinking and being these phrases: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”


Take any situation that discomforts you and bless it with these thoughts, and you will accomplish the mission of Nurturing and Regeneration with one perfect stone; the stone of love and forgiveness. For there is nothing that love, forgiveness, and light will not overcome! Now that I have shared these words, I feel the nurturing of peace and serenity within; the feelings I had that made me discomfortable are now shed as the lizard’s tail, and I have faith that regeneration will come, just as we all know that a lizard’s tail, once shed, returns again even stronger than before. May you feel the same peace and serenity by shedding that which no longer serves you in a nurturing way, and may you apply faith in the Regeneration that awaits you!

We are One Oyate, One Nation, One Relation, One Energy…
With all my love and respects,
Stephanie “Wankiya Waci” Big Eagle


Being One Oyate

Making this world a better place for our children starts with you and me. How do we effectively create positive change? How do we break down the barriers of separation? How are we going to put our minds together to make this world a better place for the next 7 generations to come? One Oyate's Founder, Stephanie Big Eagle, shares her story of overcoming adversity and how Love and forgiveness became her inspiration for the creation of One Oyate, One Nation, One Relation. Please watch and share!