Saturday, July 13, 2013

Regeneration ~ Shedding That Which No Longer Serves You

In this time of prophesized transition, it is inevitable that we are going to experience a lot of emotional ups and downs. These experiences are preparing us for what lies ahead, as well as providing the opportunity to release that which no longer serves us and holds us back from moving forward. Today is July 13, 2013, in the Aztec Wisdom teachings, it is the day of KUETZPALLI, the lizard, which means the mission of the day is of Nurturing and Regeneration. Opportunities to exemplify the mission of the day will inevitably surface, and it is up to you to accept the responsibility for their fulfillment. I’ve been given these same opportunities, and I find it particularly challenging today, as being nurturing to the self is often difficult. Yet it is the self that needs to be nurtured before the self can nurture others, and in these beautiful times which are leading to our ultimate ascension, we must be one with the vibrations of love, light, peace, and responsibility in order to move forward into the places we want to be. Thus I’ve been inspired to write from the heart to nurture first the self and then others, and thus to help us all to regenerate into a higher vibration. The mission of Regeneration can be achieved by letting go of that which no longer serves you. Look to the teachings of Lizard, who sheds it tail without haste in order to preserve its life from becoming prey to the hunter. We must be willing to also let go of that which we can and must in order to preserve the rest of life. This can be difficult and painful, but is vitally necessary.
So how do we be nurturing to the self, in able to accomplish regeneration? Spending time in places of serenity, both physically and spiritually are designed to renew us. Nurture yourself by creating the time and space to be close to UNCI MAKA, Grandmother Earth. She is power itself, and when you realign yourself with her energy, you will share in her energy and power, and will be given more strength to see with clarity that which no longer serves you. To quiet the mind, and to visit the place of quiet and serenity within provide the space with which to consciously release that which is holding you back. Meditation is the ideal state of mind in which to utilize affirmations designed to clear and cleanse the mind and spirit of karma, negative energy, blocks and stagnations. Take whatever situation that is presented to you which makes you feel discomfort, sadness, anger, resentment, and similar feelings, and visualize them being surrounded with white light. BREATHE!! Forgive these situations, which are a mirror of programming that exists within you, and feed them the energy of FORGIVENESS and LOVE. I love the Ho’oponopono Meditation technique, which says these 4 phrases over and over: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you!” When I started to use this technique to clear my subconscious CONSCIOUSLY of negative programming, I immediately noticed a huge surge of internal peace, happiness, and serenity that could not be touched by any negative external factor unless I FORGOT, and allowed that energy to permeate my being. I have to remind myself to be humble constantly, in order to shed that which no longer serves. There is no more humble way to BE, than by saying, thinking and being these phrases: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”


Take any situation that discomforts you and bless it with these thoughts, and you will accomplish the mission of Nurturing and Regeneration with one perfect stone; the stone of love and forgiveness. For there is nothing that love, forgiveness, and light will not overcome! Now that I have shared these words, I feel the nurturing of peace and serenity within; the feelings I had that made me discomfortable are now shed as the lizard’s tail, and I have faith that regeneration will come, just as we all know that a lizard’s tail, once shed, returns again even stronger than before. May you feel the same peace and serenity by shedding that which no longer serves you in a nurturing way, and may you apply faith in the Regeneration that awaits you!

We are One Oyate, One Nation, One Relation, One Energy…
With all my love and respects,
Stephanie “Wankiya Waci” Big Eagle


Being One Oyate

Making this world a better place for our children starts with you and me. How do we effectively create positive change? How do we break down the barriers of separation? How are we going to put our minds together to make this world a better place for the next 7 generations to come? One Oyate's Founder, Stephanie Big Eagle, shares her story of overcoming adversity and how Love and forgiveness became her inspiration for the creation of One Oyate, One Nation, One Relation. Please watch and share!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Introduction to Becoming a Warrior of Light

Manna is life force, the breath and essence of life. A force which flows through all living beings; an energy which never dies, but recycles itself continuously regardless of the form of the being through which it flows. This life force flows through me in the same way that it also flows through you. It originates from the same source. Creator. We are the created, and manna is the energy that connects us to all other living beings.
This life force has no color, size, or shape preference. It knows no boundaries and has no limitations. It is the living force of all creation, and is beyond human control or conscious understanding. It is the essence of the subconscious, the creator of dreams and deeper understanding. It is through this sacred breath of life that energy is created and flows.

To become conscious of one's breathing is to become more deeply connected to the life force which flows through you. This is a step towards self enlightenment, which is defined as "the full comprehension and awareness of the self." Your breath is your connection to all which is life itself. Your breath reflects your connection to your spiritual self. The more you allow yourself to breathe deeply, fully, and consciously, the more room your spirit is given to thrive.
This is why negative emotions inhibit the growth of the spirit. When you become angry, think of how it affects your breathing. The breath is unsteady, short, and contained within the chest. The flow of the force of life within you is affected negatively, and thus the spirit is stifled. When one is fearful, how does the breath react? It is gasping, shortened, and even held, further restricting the flow within.
These emotions are unnatural, unhealthy, and un-enlightening, and do not originate from the essence of life, but are of death! Become aware of how emotions affect your breathing. This is your body's way of telling you how you are choosing to use the energy of your life force.
You have been given free will: the choice to use your life force in a way which either furthers or detains your spirit. Thinking and reacting upon negative emotions such as anger, fear, jealousy, revenge, racism, and hate restrict the growth of the spirit. When you are filled with these emotions, there is no way to physically feel good. Thinking and reacting upon positive feelings such as love, joy, peace, happiness and forgiveness instantly cause the body to relax, and the breath to deepen. The body physically feels good, and thus the spirit benefits and freely flows.

You can change your world, your health, your energy, by becoming conscious of the thoughts you think. You don't have to be angry, sad, or downtrodden. Feeling this way is your choice, and only you can change it! Your thoughts manifest in your body, and even create serious conditions such as cancer, tumors, heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, and depression to occur. These are all manifestations of death, the opposite of life! That is how powerful your mind is! You have the power to hurt yourself, yes, but you also have the power to heal yourself and to restore your life force!
The moment you begin to believe in yourself and your power, is the moment your transformation begins! Belief is a stepping stone to knowledge and knowledge is a stepping stone to self-enlightenment, or self-awareness. Having the courage to surrender with faith in the power of the life force within you; Creator's sacred breath of life which has been breathed into you; is what becoming a warrior is truly about. Being a warrior doesn't mean taking war up against others and spreading the death forces of anger, hate, racism and rage! Being a warrior means holding up the staff of light and life, and spreading the life forces of love, forgiveness, peace and joy, because these forces are manna: the force and essence of all life!

Becoming a warrior begins by taking up war against the parasites of negative emotions within you, which feed upon your life force and spirit. It takes time, dedication, and focus to become a true warrior of light. No one can stand up and just claim to be a warrior! It takes intense training, humility, and correction from a master to achieve the state of being a warrior, or of being self-enlightened. Who is the master? The master is your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is your direct link to Creator. It is limitless and capable of anything, even capable of creating miracles! And it is directed by the nature of your thoughts. You create your own personal "heaven" or "hell" through the nature of your thoughts.

Your current condition of life is a direct reflection of the state of mind you have CHOSEN to have!

Are you happy or are you miserable? Be honest with yourself, accept responsibility for what you, and only you, have manifested in your life (this is true humility), and believe in your ability to make a change. Remember that belief equals faith. Without faith, you have no foundation for positivity, for there is so much that is beyond our conscious understanding! But with faith, you can move mountains, for faith means surrendering to the flow of life within, which connects you to the force of creation, to the ultimate source of all life, Creator, which is within and without of all living things!

Do you want to see the world change? Then begin by looking within, for only when you have become a master of the self, are you given the ability to positively affect the world without. Peace and love be unto you, and may the breath of life flow freely through you!

With all my love,
Stephanie "Wankiya Waci" Big Eagle
Founder of One Oyate

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

If You Only Knew

If you only knew… the story of ME… the journey my moccasins have transversed… then perhaps you would not judge me. Perhaps you would instead give me a warm hug, or a generous pat on the back.
If you only knew… the story of US… the journey we have endured as ONE BLOOD… then perhaps you would not see us as separate. Perhaps you would join us in contributing to the healing of the world.
My story of struggle is not much different than yours. Different names, different places, and different faces… but we endure this same world together, so in truth our experiences are all connected. Thus, my story of rising up out of turmoil, and becoming a person filled with love, happiness, respect, and success, can be not much different than yours. We are all connected, related through the web of creation.
What we think is what we become. Our thoughts become what we choose to be. Look about you and observe your life. Are you happy? Are you satisfied? If not, you must be willing to accept the responsibility for being the ONLY one who put you in the condition you are in. Once you can do this, you immediately open the door to transformation.

By accepting this responsibility, you are realizing your POWER… and you are becoming a WARRIOR. Being a warrior means to take war against the parasites of fear which live inside of you. It means understanding that you, and only you, can change the state of who you are from within. It means no more blaming external persons, factors, or circumstances for your personal unhappiness, failure, or loss. You have created every circumstance in your life through the power of your thoughts. To change your life, you must change the nature of your thoughts.
I once had the mentality of being a victim.

As a child, I was sexually, emotionally, and physically abused by my adoptive stepfather. I didn’t even realize that I was being “molested” until I was almost 19 years old! I was the epitome of “Brain-washed.” I took a stand once I knew that what was happening was wrong, and put him away for his mistakes for 10 years. However, my healing had only just begun. I struggled for 11 more years to understand my worth as a wombyn, to free myself from the acceptance of abuse by men, and to raise my standards and ideals to the highest level. At 31 years old, I can proudly say that I have only just now begun to BE my true self. I don’t blame anyone else for my circumstances, nor do I allow anyone to treat me abusively. I love myself and cherish myself, and it is empowering to know that my thoughts, my fears, are what kept me a prisoner of my own mind for so long!
I used to be racist… especially against myself. My mother is Irish and Iroquois Indian, and my father is Lakota. Growing up with an abusive and racist stepfather, I learned to hate the darker color of my skin. I used to wish I was white so that I could fit in with everyone else around me. After I escaped that reality, I began to explore my roots, and true culture, and discovered that I could be proud of the Native blood I carried. I became passionate about our culture and history.

But I soon went to the extreme and became racist against the white within me, hating all the history of the genocide that was applied by SOME of the colonists who came to this country. This mindset climaxed a few years ago when I convinced myself that stealing from a church was acceptable. I rationalized that not only was this church run by white people on Lakota treaty territory, but that these people were the descendants of murders who were continuing the genocide against my people. I lashed out at them in all my anger for their refusal to help me in a desperate situation, and found myself in jail with a super high bond, and my beautiful child being taken away by Child Protective Services. It took me a long time to accept that it was my responsibility for the chaos that I created in my life. It was my own actions that caused me to lose my precious child. I had to realize that every action and judgment I made against others, I was actually making against myself!!
Thanks be that Creator loves me… and because He does, I went through an intense period of “training and correction” during 9 months of incarceration. I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder during this time due to the abuse endured during my childhood, and the abuse I endured during the first relationship of my life which lasted for 7 years. It really helped me to understand myself with this diagnosis, and to realize that it was time for me to make a drastic change, or the “being a victim” reality would keep repeating itself in my life.
So I began by opening myself to myself. I began to pray for healing. Books started coming my way which encouraged me to change the way I thought about things; to always THINK ABOUT WHAT I THOUGHT ABOUT. I began to visualize myself as an empowered, healed woman; a beautiful and capable person who no longer let anyone take advantage of her, steal from her what didn’t belong to them, or allow herself to be led astray. I saw myself as happy and free… and 6 months later, my incarceration came to an end, and this beautiful transformation has begun!
I remember I used to think that running was my greatest physical challenge. I never thought that I could run more than 3 miles at a time. But just yesterday, after telling my body over and over that it is amazing, and in the best shape of its life, I was able to complete a 4.5 mile jog in just 50 minutes only 7 weeks after having my 5th child! I am absolutely amazed at the power of my own mind.

I also used to believe that I was ugly, stupid, and would never amount to anything, because I believed the lies that others fed to me. I ate their emotional poisons and they became a part of my thinking. Thus, I struggled for so many years being unsuccessful, abused, and with zero confidence because I believed that I deserved it.
Now I know my worth. Now I see that I am a Queen. I see that I am beautiful. I know who I am. And there is not one person on this Earth whose emotional poisons I will ever eat again. There is no one or thing who can make me happy, or heal me, or even hurt me, besides me. I have taken responsibility, and I am the Creator of the joy and blessings in my life. This is the lesson that Creator has taught me: He can only help me, bless me, guide me, when I open up my mind, my thoughts to him. My surrender was the day my healing took place and my transformation began into this person I’ve always dreamed of being! I am so much more than my thoughts once led me to believe. Finally my life is what I want it to be. Finally I am happy to be who I was created to be!

This is pray upon all my relatives, of all colors, cultures, and ways of thinking: realization of the power of your mind, your thoughts. We do have the power to heal our world, and it begins from within. Do not eat the emotional poisons of others, but ingest the seed of love and let it blossom with positivity and the knowing that you are perfect, you are whole, and you are blessed in the image of Creator. What happened yesterday is in the past and there it will always remain. It is destructive to hold onto things which no longer exist. It is constructive to let go and be thankful for what remains. To all my Indigenous relatives, this is a reminder that WE ARE STILL HERE, despite the largest unacknowledged genocide having been endured for generations. We must be careful not to allow the abuses we were taught to continue on at our own hand! We must not become the oppressor! Be the warrior, and take war against the parasites in your own mind: anger, hatred, racism, fear, separation, and revenge.

I pray especially for all the children, that they may be protected from abuse and negativity. They are not responsible for their external circumstances until they become adults. Until then, it is the responsibility of the adults in their lives to offer them the ideal circumstances. And this cannot happen unless the adult is a healed and positive being. Until then, the cycle of abuse and loss, depression and suicide, obesity and diabetes, etc., etc., will continue to thrive as it is currently in our world.

For the children of all races, cultures, and backgrounds… is why I was inspired to create my foundation One Oyate, One Nation, One Relation, and to launch our first campaign: Synergize to Neutralize: Obesity, Diabetes and Depression. I plan to launch our first event at Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota Reservation, because this is where I experienced who I truly am. This is where I became a Lakota wombyn. This is where I struggled with my people, this is where I sacrificed a child, this is where my transformation began, this is where I spent days with little girls dancing and riding Lakota ponies, and this is where the heart of my people remains. We are still here, and we will not let the genocide continue in the form of Obesity, Diabetes, and Depression! We are taking a stand against these abusers today, and are going to put them away, out of our lives forever, where they belong, and we are beginning by first changing our thoughts.
Please join us at and to find out how you can help, and how you can begin your own transformation today!
With all my love,
Stephanie Wankiya Waci Big Eagle